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World-class HR & Recruiting Freelancers. At your fingertips.

Freelancing is not just a trend, it's here to stay.


Thanks to DIMPACT the most demanded Recruiting and HR professionals can leverage their full potential.


Our mission is to create the biggest HR and Recruiter Marketplace in Europe that not only helps the customer to match the right Recruiter but also empowers the Recruiter to make the best usage out of their time.

DIMPACT Connects Companies With Top HR & Recruiting Freelancers


Speeding up your recruitment and focus your resources on other important work.


Work with dedicate and experienced HR recruitment specialists.


Smooth and quick onboarding. No hassle of training new hires to get started.

Our Story

We want to bring transparency in the Recruiter and HR Professional market and enable TOP Recruiter to unfold their full potential.

DIMPACT is created by experienced HR consultants and recruitment professionals. We recognised that there is a better way to support companies with recruitment.  By connecting top freelancer talent with growing companies, we can increase the service quality, reduce costs and deliver a more flexible partnership


The Team Makes The Difference

We are an international remote team of 5 nationalities living in 9 different countries across the world. Together we believe that we can help shape the future for growing companies and HR freelancers.

Would you like to be part of our team?

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